Friday, August 27, 2004

welcome to my new blog!!!


Today i decided to create a blog. why not? everyone else has one, why can't i? anyway, i thought it might be a nice way to share aspects of my new son, who has of this moment yet to be named. he will officially be a month old tomorrow morning at 7:03 am. he's such a grand little guy, i've got to say.

this morning the baby was quite fussy. we held him. rocked him. nursed him. and he was just being a bit of a pain, so, Robert and I sat the baby down and just let him cry. he cried for 20 minutes at first. quieted down for a few. then started up again for another 10 minutes. quieted down for another few. cried again, and then settled down. he was still awake, but very mellow. then he slept all day until about 6 or 7. and all evening he's been alert, smiling, hanging out. what a guy! :-)

i will post pictures once i figure out how. meanwhile, you can check out the little guy at: